2018-19 Seaholm Bands – Online Registration
To begin registration, click the image below or visit https://seaholm-bands.sportngin.com/register/form/069380457.
If you are used to the old paper forms, it should only take a few minutes to complete the entire registration process.
Registration Target Deadline – July 23, 2018
If possible, we would appreciate it if you could complete registration by Monday, July 23. We know that with busy summer schedules, this will not be possible for everyone, but we appreciate your help as we get prepared for band camp.
Registration Items
Booster Dues ($110/student)
All band members. Booster dues support the band program throughout the entire school year.
2018 Band T-Shirt ($10)
All band members, new and returning, are required to have the 2018 band t-shirt.
New Marching Band Polo ($18)
All band members are required to have a Seaholm Band Polo.
For 2018, we are offering a new polo shirt. We are replacing our old cotton polo shirts with updated versions featuring modern, moisture wicking fabric. The shirts will come in standard-cut with buttons (similar to our current shirt style) and a female-cut without buttons.
While current band members may order a new polo, it is NOT required and they may continue to use their current polo shirt. Sizing for polos will be done at band camp.
Marching Band Uniform Jacket ($36)
All band members are required to have a Seaholm Marching Band Jacket. The jacket may be embroidered with the student’s name (first, last, initials, etc.).
In 2017, we introduced a new updated band jacket. Band members who still have the old band fleece jacket are NOT required to purchase the new jacket. Sizing for jackets will be done at band camp.
Marching Band Uniform Shoes ($27 New; $5 Used)
All band members must wear the uniform shoes. A limited number of used shoes are available for $5/pair. If you pay for used shoes and there are none available, you will be notified and asked to remit the balance of $22.
Visit our Uniform page for more information or if you have specific questions, contact our uniform co-chairs (Gillian Rifkin and Kristen Wise) at uniforms@seaholmbands.com.
Registration Process
Create a SportsEngine Account – When you click the registration link, you will be prompted to create a new account or sign into an existing account. We are only using SportsEngine for registration, email, payment and are not using the other features of the system.
Complete Contact and Registration Information – Fill out Student Information, Family Contact Information, and select Registration Items (Dues, T-shirt, Polo, Jacket, Shoes). If you have multiple children in band, you can select Register Another Person on the Review Registration page.
Shopping Cart/Checkout/Payment Selection – In the shopping cart, you will see Payment Options listed for each item. At the bottom of the list, you will see the Processing Fee. This optional fee covers the cost of processing credit card payments and the SportsEngine service. Especially for families with multiple children, this fee can be quite high, so we are providing two payment options.
Payment Option 1 – Pay Online with Processing Fee – To pay by Visa, Mastercard, or Discover, select Checkout, enter your payment information, and your registration will be submitted and you will receive a confirmation email.
Payment Option 2 – Pay Offline without Processing Fee – If you would like to avoid the processing fee or would simply prefer to pay via check or cash, please select Pay Offline for each item in your shopping cart. Select Checkout and your registration will be submitted and you will receive a confirmation email.
Please mail a copy of your emailed registration receipt and a check made out to Seaholm Band Boosters to Pam Righter at 965 Adams Castle Dr., Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304. If you would like to pay via cash or make other arrangements, please contact Pam at treasurer@seaholmbands.com.
Any family that needs help with the dues or uniform fees should contact
Tim Cibor (TCibor@birmingham.k12.mi.us) or Loran Brooks (president@seaholmbands.com).
If you have any questions or cannot complete the registration electronically for any reason, please contact Loran Brooks at president@seaholmbands.com.